
Soul Sistar Beauty

Hello and Welcome! My name is Jennifer McMillan. I am the owner and creator of Soul Sistar Beauty as well as the mother of a beautiful, loving, fun, and hilarious, three-year old little boy, King. When King was born, he had terrible baby acne. Being a natural and herbal enthusiast for most of my life, I knew that I did not want to treat his skin with prescribed steroidal creams and over the counter products with ingredients that I couldn't pronounce. Instead, I dived deeper into herbal medicine to find the best possible treatments for his skin. In addition, the condition of my own skin and hair deteriorated after giving birth. The recovery of the wound from my cesarean was slow and stagnant and my edges were nearly non-existent. I had to do something quickly. I had heard of Shea butter in the past, but my experience with it was minimal. I decided to start using it more regularly in combination with essential oils to begin treating King's and my own skin. There was only one problem...I was never truly happy with the Shea butters and body butters I purchased! Either the consistency was not good or the Shea butter was too hard and I would have to go to great lengths to get it the way I wanted it. Once I finally got it the way I wanted it, friends and family members would ask me to make my modified versions for them. Finally, I decided to make my own.

Soul Sistar Beauty was birthed from the love of my first born. Nothing is too good for him. Through the building of Soul Sistar Beauty, I learned to apply those same principles of love toward myself and others. I am blown away by the results my clients are seeing with my products and absolutely love to hear how Soul Sistar Beauty has changed their hair and skin. I am grateful the healing energy of each herb and my love for each product has transmuted healing energy to clients all over the country.

Soul Sistar Beauty is more than hair and skin care line. In addition to supporting healthy, alluring, and luminous hair and skin, it is about illuminating outward that which shines within. It is about connecting with others, helping, and encouraging them to believe and love themselves enough to keep going, take the risk, be over the moon with confidence, and never look back.

Soul Sistar Beauty